XYO Network based blockchain

What is XYO?

XYO is evidence based on blockchain, trusted, zero-knowledge, cryptographic networking sites that eliminate the need for central location data collection. The XYO network allows localization of objects or people in many classes of devices and protocols. To make this possible, XYO's team used "proof of origin" and "bound testimony" to bring a decentralized blockchain world together with our real data on a breakthrough network.
It may sound like something of the future, but as I said at the opening of this article, we will live the future, and the XYO project is available and operating. They have an existing operational infrastructure of 1,000,000 tracking beacons, one of the largest Bluetooth and GPS networks in the world, and for the XYO project this is just the beginning!

As soon as humanity had blockages, the problem of the lost keys appeared. Then the problem manifested itself with the TV remote controls, the cordless telephones of landlines, the electronic keys of the cars and this snowball is growing and growing, capturing all the devices and new events with them.
In 2011, Cisco published its vision of the evolution of the Internet of Things, where it was observed that in 2010, connected to Internet devices was already at 84%, a percentage more than the number of people on Earth.

But Bitcoin intervened in this evolution, showing that distributed data warehouses surpass all expectations of cryptography. Bitcoin Blockbine over time has been improved, eliminating some of the shortcomings and the world saw the success of Efirium box office with intellectual contracts. And here began a revolution in the world of things. The speed of transactions is already being actively carried out and there are promising solutions.

But our review today is not about this, but about XY Oracle Network, a complex of hardware and software tools for data removal and storage in four planes, XYZ coordinates with a time parameter.
If you have an idea of ​​the technical details, the XYO system provides an entry point to the protocol of the connected devices, which provides a high reliability of the location data (which is not always possible in IoT with centralized technologies) through a chain of cryptographic tests.
Users can send transactions called "requests" to obtain location data on any highly successful platform that has the functionality of a start-up contract.

The aggregators of the XYO network listen to these requests issued under the contract and receive responses with the highest precision from a decentralized set of devices that transmit cryptographic evidence to these aggregators. Then the aggregators return the answers to the intellectual contract after reaching an agreement on the answer with the best result.
This network of components allows you to determine if an object is in a certain XY coordinate at a particular time.
xyo network has four main components: Sentinels (Sentinels - data collectors), Bridges (data repeaters) Archivists (data store) and diviners (predictors - aggregators of responses).

The tutors collect information about the location through sensors, radios and other means.
Bridges take this data from the Sentinels and provide it to the Archivists.
The archivists store this information for the fortune-tellers for analysis.
Fortune tellers analyze the location heuristic of archivists to generate answers to queries and assign estimates of accuracy. Then, the Diviners pass these responses to the intelligent contract, so the fortune-tellers serve as oracles.

The precision rating, called "Origin Destination," is determined by a set of zero knowledge tests known as "Proof of the origin of the chain." This chain guarantees the reception of two or more data from a source, without revealing any basic information.
Each component generates its own proof of origin along the query path, which is then linked to each component to which it transmits data.
Proof of origin is a new formulation that creates a chain of cryptographic guarantees along the path of repeaters in the network to ensure high reliability of real-world data. This proof of the origin of the circuit contains the confidence we can have in the part of the location data, up to the first devices that collected the data.

To create a consistent decentralized mechanism among fortune-tellers, the XYO network is based on the public, unquestioned XYOMainChain blocking system, which stores the query transactions along with the data collected from the fortune-tellers and their associated origin score.
In more detail, the entire mechanism of operation and interaction of the components of the system is described in white pages.
For the time being, the project team has already built a real-world network with more than 1 million Bluetooth and GPS devices. Most localization networks can not reach this stage and reach the critical mass needed to build an extensive network. The Sentinel network created to date is just a starting point.

The XYO network is an open system in which any location device operator can connect and start earning XYO tokens. Or you can podsuetitsya and buy tokens in the generation stage, because their number is strictly limited.
As a general rule, the more power Sentinel has in the XYO network, the more reliable it will be. To further develop its network, XYO interacts with other companies to expand the Sentinels network beyond its own XY Findables network.
About how XYO will make our lives easier, let's talk about the following revisions.
Official website: xyo.network


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